If you work in orthopedics or the medical field then you can relate to the idea of how an x-ray of the body can help you quickly dive deep into details & support your history and exam. A similar analogy can be applied to utilizing behavioral assessments such as DISC with your team. The DISC behavioral assessment can be your x-ray. Leaders, businesses and coaches use behavioral assessments for all types of benefits including team building, development of employees, benchmarking candidates and career changes.
Like the xray, the DISC assessment is an example of a behavioral test that can be relied on for scientific validity and reliability. The assessment is a measure of behavior that helps you understand the preferred communication style of yourself and others. Measuring four domains (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance) DISC helps us recognize ourselves and become more effective in our roles. Essentially stacking the deck in your favor. Just like the limitation of certain diagnostic studies, DISC is limited to only measuring what is observable. DISC assessment is not a measure of a person’s skills, talents or intelligence but its power to impact should not be understated. Recognizing the value of how people communicate be an extremely effective way to move your team toward achieving their goals and improving relationships. DISC provides a language for people to use so they can recognize their own behavioral style as well as others to improve relationships. When teams and leaders learn the language of DISC they can gain stronger commitment and cooperation, as well as, prevent and resolve conflict.
Behavior is observable and once you learn the language of DISC you unlock incredible insight into improving -COMMUNICATION. Communication is everything! If you have a desire to bring out the best in others, DISC can be a wonderful opportunity to show others you want to invest in their development and goals. As a clinician, you don’t rely on xray alone to make your diagnosis, but having this tool available can be invaluable for leaders to help develop their teams and stack the deck in their favor.
To learn more about the DISC assessment and how it can be valuable to leading in medicine check out this website.